Translation services
Translation agency LEKTOR offers the following services: translation and interpreting services, certified translations, editing and proofreading, localization and transcreation. Translations are made by experienced and qualified linguists with extensive and proven experience in the field, which ensures adherence to translation norms and translation ethics.
Each translation project is treated as a unique task, whereby attention is being paid to the subject field and the register in order to ensure proper terminology and idiomatic expression.
A quality translation also aims at bridging the gap between cultures, which has always been one of the foremost priorities of translation practice.
Following the latest developments in translation industry, translations are carried out by using CAT tools (Computer Assisted Translation) which enable terminological consistency and save time. Prior to delivery, the documents undergo quality assurance (QA) which provides an extra layer of oversight to assure that a quality job has been done and that a target text meets all your expectations and business requirements.

Translation services cover the following areas:
- Legal
- European Union
- Economics
- Marketing
- Financial reports and analyses
- Corporate documents
- Human Resources
- Technical Manuals and User Guides
- Conceptual, maina and detailed designs
- Tender documents
- Electrical engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- Civil engineering
- IT
- Telecommunications
- Insurance
- Ecology
- Tourism
- Webistes
- Social Sciences
- theses, studies, dissertations etc.
European Quality Standard for Translation Services HRN EN 15038
European Quality Standard for Translation Services HRN EN 15038 prescribes professional competences of translators (3.2.2.)
- Translating competence (comprising the ability to translate texts to the required level)
- Linguistic and textual competence in the source language and the target language (includes the ability to understand the source language and mastery of the target language)
- Research competence, information acquisition and processing (includes the ability to efficiently acquire the additional linguistic and specialized knowledge necessary to produce the source text and produce the target text)
- Cultural competence (includes the ability to make use of information on the locale, behavioural standards and value systems that characterize the source and target cultures)
- Technical competence (comprises the abilities and skills required for the professional preparation and production of translations)
- Continuing professional development (3.2.5) – the TSP shall ensure that the professional competences required by 3.2.2. are maintained and updated.
The course of the translation process
- Upon receipt of client's request for quote, the document is analysed by using CAT tools
- The client is provided with an accurate, non-binding quote with price and delivery date.
- Upon acceptance of quotation, the document is analysed by using CAT tools
- Choosing the translation memory and glossary.
- The document is translated byy using the CAT tool, the appropriate translation memory and and the glossary
- Close cooperation with the client regarding terminology with an aim to ensure adequate target text in terms of register.
- Maintaining the source format.
Quality assurance
- The translated document undergoes quality assurance, computer spell check and final revision.
- The translated document is delivered to the client with the agreed time and in the agreed format, ensuring client's data privacy according to translation ethics. If required, the client is provided with full additional support regarding the delivered document.